La Tour Boisée

La Tour Boisée is truly a family estate. Constructed around 1826, it's been passed down through generations, developing and growing as it does. Located in the South of France in the heart of the Minervois Wine Appellation, the estate is made up of 200 acres of vineyards and over 1000 olive trees, some of which date back to the 17th century. The family has taken care to gradually improve its vineyards, whilst preserving the old methods and deep ties to its history.

We spoke to Marie-Claude and her husband Jean-Louis to ask them a few questions about their estate and the wines they produce.

1. What’s the history behind your wonderful estate?

Well, it all began back in 1826; you’ll notice “family vineyard since 1826” on all our corks! This is a really important factor for us as we believe that this knowledge is passed on through successive generations and every day I work in the vineyards I feel a connection with my family history.

2. What do you think is the best season for working the vines?

Spring-time and during the month of May is just about perfect, when the vine is "tiérège" as we say in French! This is when the foliage really starts to grow quickly and the rows of vines swell with leaves and shoots.

3. Where did your desire to work organically come from?

It was a rejection of modern, often destructive farming methods which can invariably be found in the end product. By comparison, organic viticulture brings joy and happiness to the people who work the land, the earth itself and of course, everyone who drinks the resulting wine!

4. Can you tell me a little more about your approach to organic viticulture?

Sure! To work organically is basically about taking things a little more slowly, to have a better harmony with nature and to try and work with the vines rather than against them.

5. Do you have any recommendations for something delicious to pair with your wine?

Definitely! Crisp spring onions and other crunchy vegetables with a thin slice of veal, cooked slowly with garlic and oil. Delicious!

Le Petit Ballon, c’est chaque mois :
  • 2 bouteilles de vin finement sélectionnées par notre Chef Sommelier
  • Des conseils et astuces pour tout savoir sur les vins
  • Découvrez de nouveaux vins tous les mois
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