
For the risotto
275g risotto rice
1.2 litres of water
2 cubes of chicken stock
75g butter
1 onion
2 tomatoes
75g grated Parmesan cheese
Salt and pepper

For the dumplings:
4 eggs
50g pine nuts
1 ball of mozzarella
Frying oil


Peel and slice the onion and fry it in 50g of melted butter. Bring the water to boil and add the stock cubes. Add the rice to the pan with the onion and fry on a low heat, constantly stirring until the grains begin to swell and burst. Dice and add the tomatoes, a cup of chicken broth and simmer until the liquid is completely absorbed. Repeat this, adding more rice if necessary. Once completed, the rice should be slightly al dente and have a creamy consistency. Stir in the rest of the butter and the parmesan cheese, seasoning to preference, and set aside to cool.

Beat 2 eggs together and add to the risotto, along with your roasted pine nuts. Once cool again, form the risotto into 15 small balls and set aside. Cut your mozzarella into 15 pieces and insert a piece inside the risotto ball, being careful not to lose it’s shape. Beat your remaining 2 eggs together to form a batter. Dip the risotto balls in flour, the beaten eggs and finally into the bread crumbs. Once completed, fry them in hot oil until they turn brown and crisp. Best served whilst still hot!

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