Blog L'actu du vin Le Petit Ballon to start storing wine on the moon
Le Petit Ballon to start storing wine on the moon

Le Petit Ballon to start storing wine on the moon

This got us thinking, where would be the best place to store wine in a natural environment, on earth?

We thought of natural forming caves, underground and even in the ocean floor. Then, someone came up with the crazy idea of storing wine on the moon.

Surely the moon wouldn't be the best place? But after careful thought we came to realise that IF there was an easy way to transport wine to the moon, it would in actual fact be a great place to store it.

A phone call to NASA and yes, they’ve decided that wine is important enough to provide us with our very own Le Petit Ballon rocket to transport our wine to the moon at our hearts delight.

Phew! Crisis averted. We thought we’d have to drink plain-old earth-stored wine for centuries to come.


In other news: Pinch, punch, first of the month. It's the 1st of April!

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